Travel Hacks: Keeping Your Chips Safe and Crunchy

Finding the best ways to keep your bags of chips safe and crunchy during travel is easier than you think.

  • Choose sturdy bags: Opt for thicker bags like BOPP or LDPE to avoid tears.
  • Use resealable options: Airtight containers or resealable bags keep chips fresh.
  • Strategic packing: Bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and rigid containers prevent crushing.

Traveling with your favorite snacks shouldn't mean sacrificing that satisfying crunch.

Everyone loves a bag of chips, and whether it's classic potato chips, pretzels, or specialty flavors, these snacks are a travel must-have. Imagine you're on a road trip, and every bite into a crisp chip brings back the memories of summer evenings, as highlighted by Tina Mahal from Frito-Lay: "Summer is that time of year when you might take a half-day Friday, go on a road trip, take a vacation... Lifelong memories are created."

However, traveling with these delicious snacks often leads to crumbled disappointments. To help you keep your bags of chips safe and crunchy, we've compiled some simple travel hacks. These tips will ensure your snacks stay as fresh and enjoyable as when they were first opened.

Hello, I'm Sarib Rehman, the CEO of With experience in selecting and maintaining high-quality bags of chips, I'll guide you through the best practices for preserving their crunch and flavor on the go.

How to Keep Chips Fresh - bags of chips infographic roadmap-5-steps

Why Are Bags of Chips So Expensive?

Ever wondered why your favorite bags of chips seem to cost more each time you visit the store? It's not just you. There are several reasons behind this price hike, and understanding them can help you make more informed choices.

Higher Cost of Producing Goods

The cost of producing goods, including chips, has increased significantly. This includes everything from raw ingredients to packaging materials. For example, the price of potatoes, a key ingredient, has risen. When the cost of potatoes goes up, snack companies either have to raise prices or reduce the amount of chips in each bag, a tactic known as shrinkflation.


Labor costs also contribute to the rising prices. As wages increase, so does the cost of producing and packaging chips. Companies need to pay their workers more, and this extra cost often gets passed on to consumers.


Transportation is another significant factor. The cost of fuel affects how much it costs to transport raw materials to factories and finished products to stores. Higher fuel prices mean higher transportation costs, which in turn drive up the cost of your favorite snacks.


Storing chips in warehouses also adds to the cost. Warehousing fees have increased due to higher utility costs and the need for more advanced storage solutions to keep products fresh. These costs are eventually reflected in the price you pay at the store.

Raw Ingredients

Beyond potatoes, other raw ingredients like oils and seasonings have also seen price increases. For instance, the cost of corn oil has risen, affecting the production cost of chips like Doritos and Fritos.

Interest Rates

Higher interest rates can affect the cost of borrowing money for businesses. When snack companies have to pay more interest on loans, they often raise prices to maintain their profit margins.

Supply Chain Issues

Supply chain disruptions have become more common, especially during global events like the pandemic. These disruptions can cause delays and shortages, leading to higher costs for both producers and consumers. For example, delays in shipping can result in higher storage fees and spoilage, which then increase the overall cost of chips.

Understanding these factors helps explain why the price of bags of chips has been climbing. In the next section, we'll explore the best types of bags for keeping your chips fresh and crunchy.

Best Types of Bags for Chips

When it comes to keeping your chips fresh and crunchy, the type of bag used is crucial. Let's dive into the best materials used for chip bags and why they work so well.

Polymer Materials

Polymer materials are the backbone of most chip bags. They create a barrier against moisture and oxygen, which helps keep the chips fresh. These materials are also lightweight and flexible, making them ideal for packaging snacks.

Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP)

Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) is a popular choice for chip bags. This material is stretched in two directions during production, which increases its strength and clarity. BOPP is excellent at keeping out moisture and air, ensuring that your chips stay crispy.

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is another common material used in chip bags. It's known for its flexibility and toughness. LDPE provides a good barrier against moisture, helping to maintain the freshness of the chips inside.


Surlyn® is a thermoplastic resin that's often used in high-quality chip bags. It offers excellent transparency and puncture resistance. Surlyn® also seals well, which is essential for keeping chips fresh during storage and transportation.

Thermoplastic Resin

Thermoplastic resins are versatile materials used in various types of packaging, including chip bags. These resins can be molded and shaped when heated, then solidify upon cooling. They provide a durable and airtight seal, which is crucial for preserving the quality of the chips.

By using these advanced materials, manufacturers ensure that bags of chips are not only durable but also effective at keeping snacks fresh. In the next section, we'll share tips for keeping your chips fresh while traveling.

Tips for Keeping Your Chips Fresh While Traveling

Traveling with snacks can be tricky. You want your bags of chips to stay fresh and crunchy, not stale or crushed. Here are some simple yet effective tips to keep your chips tasting great on the go:

Resealable Bags

Resealable bags are a lifesaver. They help keep air out, which is essential for maintaining freshness. Many chip brands now offer resealable packaging, but if yours doesn't, you can transfer the chips into a separate resealable bag. Just make sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing.

Airtight Containers

Airtight containers are another excellent option. They provide a strong barrier against air and moisture, both of which can make chips go stale. Containers made from materials like Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) or Surlyn® are particularly effective. These materials are durable and create a tight seal, ensuring your chips stay fresh.

Vacuum Sealing

For the ultimate in freshness, consider vacuum sealing. This method removes all air from the packaging, significantly extending the shelf life of your chips. While vacuum sealers can be a bit of an investment, they are worth it if you frequently travel with snacks.

Silica Gel Packets

Silica gel packets are commonly found in shoe boxes and other packaging to absorb moisture. You can also use them to keep your chips dry. Just toss a packet into your chip bag or container (but don't eat it!). These packets are particularly useful in humid climates where moisture can quickly make chips soggy.

Cool Storage

Heat can make chips go stale faster. To avoid this, store your chips in a cool, dry place. If you're traveling by car, keep them in an insulated bag or cooler. For flights, try to place them in your carry-on rather than in checked luggage, where temperatures can fluctuate.

By following these tips, you can ensure your bags of chips stay fresh and crunchy, no matter where your travels take you.

Next, we'll discuss how to pack chips to prevent crushing.

How to Pack Chips to Prevent Crushing

When traveling with bags of chips, the last thing you want is to open your luggage and find a bag full of crumbs. Here are some simple yet effective ways to keep your chips safe and crunchy.

Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap is a fantastic protective layer. Wrap your bag of chips in a couple of layers of bubble wrap. This will cushion the bag and absorb any shocks during transit.

bubble wrap - bags of chips

Packing Peanuts

Another great option is packing peanuts. Place your wrapped bag of chips in a box filled with packing peanuts. The peanuts will create a barrier around the bag, preventing it from being crushed.

Rigid Containers

For maximum protection, use rigid containers. Plastic or metal containers can keep your chips from getting squished. Simply place the bag inside the container and close the lid securely. This method works especially well for checked luggage.

Strategic Placement in Luggage

Where you place your chips in your luggage can make a big difference. Put the bag in the center of your suitcase, surrounded by soft clothing. This will act as a buffer, protecting the chips from pressure and impact.

By using these methods, you can enjoy your chips in perfect condition, no matter where you go.

Next, we'll answer some frequently asked questions about bags of chips.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bags of Chips

What does the slang "bag of chips" mean?

The slang phrase "bag of chips" means something or someone very special or exceptional. For example, if someone says, "She's all that and a bag of chips," they mean the person is amazing and has extra qualities that make them even more special.

What is the average price of a bag of chips?

The price of bags of chips has been rising over the years. In July 2019, the average price was $4.38. By October 2022, it had jumped to $6.40, and in February 2023, the price slightly decreased to $6.17. These fluctuations are due to various factors like the cost of raw materials and supply chain issues.

Why are bags of chips so expensive?

The rising costs of bags of chips can be attributed to several factors:

  • Higher Cost of Producing Goods: The cost of raw ingredients, like potatoes, has increased. For example, if the price of potatoes rises from $1 to $2, the profit margin per bag decreases, leading companies to adjust prices or reduce the quantity of chips per bag.

  • Supply Chain Issues: Transportation, warehousing, and other logistics have become more expensive due to global supply chain disruptions. These additional costs are often passed on to consumers, making chips more expensive.

Understanding these factors helps explain why you might be paying more for less when you buy your favorite bags of chips.


At Flipcost, we understand how much you love your bags of chips. That's why we offer a diverse range of high-quality snack products that cater to every taste and preference. Whether you're a fan of classic flavors like sour cream and onion or you prefer something more adventurous like spicy Taki’s, we've got you covered.

As an online retailer, we make it easy for you to stock up on your favorite snacks without leaving the comfort of your home. Our user-friendly website and efficient delivery service ensure that your chips arrive fresh and crunchy, just the way you like them.

Visit our snack collection to explore our full range of products and make your next purchase today. Happy snacking!