The Ultimate Guide to Restaurant Cleaning Products


If you're looking for cleaning products for restaurants, it's crucial to choose solutions that ensure hygiene, safety, and efficiency. Essential cleaning products play a vital role not only in creating a welcoming ambiance for guests but are fundamental to food safety and health regulations. Maintaining clean environments in dining areas, kitchens, and restrooms is non-negotiable in the hospitality industry.

Cleanliness in a restaurant directly impacts customer impressions and their likelihood of returning. In light of the recent emphasis on health standards due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer expectations have soared, with over 93% of Americans marking cleanliness as crucial during indoor dining experiences. Thus, selecting the right cleaning products is about more than just aesthetics—it's a critical safety issue supporting both customer and staff well-being.

Moreover, using effective and suitable cleaning agents and tools can prevent foodborne illnesses and ensure a sanitary operation, adhering to the strict codes set by health inspectors. To address these needs comprehensively, this guide will give insights on the essential cleaning products every restaurant should consider.

Detailed infographic showing a checklist of basic cleaning products and equipment necessary for maintaining a restaurant’s hygiene and safety standards - cleaning products for restaurant infographic pillar-4-steps

Essential Cleaning Products for Restaurants

Keeping your restaurant clean is not just about making a good impression—it's essential for safety and compliance with health regulations. Here's a breakdown of the must-have cleaning products divided into daily essentials, deep cleaning supplies, and specialized equipment cleaners.

Daily Cleaning Essentials

Counters, Tables, Menus, Seats

  • Multi-Surface Cleaners: Ensure that your surfaces are not only clean but sanitized. Opt for food-safe and quick-drying formulas to keep pace with the fast environment of a restaurant.
  • Microfiber Cloths: Use color-coded cloths to avoid cross-contamination between different areas like the dining space and bathrooms.
  • Disinfectant Sprays: Especially crucial in today's context, having a disinfectant handy for high-touch areas such as door handles and menus can prevent the spread of germs.

Deep Cleaning Must-Haves

Floors, Kitchens, Bathrooms

  • Heavy-Duty Degreasers: Kitchen floors and surfaces can accumulate tough grease; a strong degreaser will be your best friend here.
  • Toilet Bowl Cleaners: Essential for keeping bathroom facilities sanitary and odor-free.
  • Floor Care Solutions: Depending on your establishment's flooring, you might need specific chemicals for wood, tile, or carpet.

Specialized Equipment Cleaners

Coffee machines, Fryers, Cutting boards

  • Descalers for Coffee Machines: To ensure the longevity and functionality of your coffee machines, regular descaling is necessary. This removes mineral build-up that can affect the taste of coffee.
  • Fryer Cleaners: These are formulated to handle the tough grease and food residue found in commercial fryers.
  • Cutting Board Sanitizers: Prevent cross-contamination with a good sanitizer that can be used frequently throughout the day without harming the material of your cutting boards.

Each category of products plays a pivotal role in maintaining a clean and safe dining environment. By choosing the right tools and chemicals, you can ensure that your restaurant not only looks clean but also upholds health standards that protect your customers and staff.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Products for Your Restaurant

Selecting the right cleaning products for your restaurant involves balancing safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Here's how to choose products that meet these criteria across different needs:

Food Grade Cleaning Products

For areas that come into direct contact with food, it's crucial to use sanitizers and surface cleaners that are safe and effective:

  • Sanitizers: Ensure that all surfaces that contact food are not only cleaned but sanitized. Chemical dishwashers should include a food-grade sanitizer in the final rinse cycle to reduce pathogens to safe levels.
  • Surface Cleaners: Choose cleaners that are approved for food contact surfaces. These products should effectively remove grease and food residues without leaving harmful residues.

Efficiency is key here. Products should work quickly to minimize downtime, as found in a survey where 93 percent of Americans rated cleanliness as crucial in restaurants. Using effective products helps maintain the necessary pace and hygiene standards in busy kitchen environments.

Eco-Friendly Options

More restaurants are moving towards sustainable practices, including the use of eco-friendly cleaning products:

  • Biodegradable Cleaners: These cleaners break down naturally in the environment, reducing pollution and potentially harmful effects on wildlife.
  • Low-Chemical Solutions: Opt for products with fewer chemicals to improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of chemical sensitivities among staff and customers.

Using eco-friendly options not only supports environmental sustainability but also enhances your restaurant’s reputation as a responsible business.

Heavy-Duty Solutions

For the tougher jobs, especially in high-traffic or heavily soiled areas, industrial-strength and floor care products are necessary:

  • Industrial-Strength Cleaners: These are designed for the most challenging cleaning tasks, where regular products might not suffice. They are particularly useful for degreasing and deep cleaning.
  • Floor Care Products: Invest in high-quality floor cleaners that can handle the constant foot traffic of a busy restaurant, ensuring safety and cleanliness.

Cost-effectiveness does not necessarily mean choosing the cheapest products but rather those that offer the best value over time. Products that require less quantity per use or those that are multi-purpose can lead to significant savings.

By carefully selecting cleaning products for restaurant use that are safe, efficient, and cost-effective, you can maintain a clean, welcoming environment that meets health standards and customer expectations. This thoughtful selection process ensures that your cleaning practices are not only thorough but also align with broader operational goals and values.

Best Practices for Using Cleaning Products in Restaurants

Routine Cleaning Schedules

Daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedules are essential to maintaining a restaurant's hygiene and operational efficiency. Here's how to structure these schedules:

  • Daily: Wipe down tables, chairs, and counters with suitable disinfectants. Sweep and mop floors, and sanitize high-touch areas like door handles and menus. At the end of each day, a more thorough cleaning of the kitchen, including surfaces and appliances, should be conducted.
  • Weekly: Deep clean specific areas such as the bathrooms and kitchens. This includes scrubbing floors and walls, cleaning grease traps, and checking for any potential pest entry points.
  • Monthly: Conduct an extensive inspection and cleaning of hard-to-reach areas like ceilings, light fixtures, and the back of equipment. This is also a good time to review and restock cleaning supplies.

Sanitization Techniques

Effective sanitization is crucial for preventing cross-contamination and ensuring food safety. Here are key techniques:

  • Food Contact Surfaces: Regularly sanitize surfaces that come into contact with food. Use EPA-registered sanitizers and ensure they are suitable for food-contact surfaces to prevent chemical contamination.
  • Cross-Contamination Prevention: Use color-coded cloths and mops for different areas (e.g., red for restrooms, blue for kitchen) to avoid cross-contamination. Implement a one-per-room cleaning process where possible, as this limits the spread of microbes from one area to another.

Employee Safety and Handling

Protecting employees from the hazards of cleaning chemicals is as important as the cleaning itself. Follow these practices to ensure safety:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide gloves, masks, and goggles to protect against splashes and inhalation of harmful chemicals.
  • Chemical Handling: Train employees on the proper use and storage of cleaning chemicals. Chemicals should always be labeled clearly and stored in a designated area away from food and high-traffic zones.
  • Storage: Store chemicals in a well-ventilated area and ensure they are securely closed when not in use. Use chemical pumps and dispensers to minimize direct contact and prevent spills.

By implementing these best practices for using cleaning products for restaurant, you can ensure compliance with health regulations, maintain a safe environment for both employees and guests, and uphold the quality and reputation of your establishment. These routines and techniques not only contribute to operational efficiency but also enhance the overall safety and cleanliness of your restaurant.

Cleaning Products for Restaurant: FAQs

What are the recommended cleaners for the food industry?

For effective cleaning in the food industry, certain products stand out due to their efficiency and safety. Micro® Green Clean, Surface-Cleanse/930®, and Zymit® Low-Foam are highly recommended. These cleaners are known for their ability to tackle tough residues while being safe for use in areas where food is prepared. They are effective against a broad spectrum of microbes, ensuring a hygienic environment.

How should restaurants clean and sanitize counters and equipment?

Cleaning and sanitizing counters and equipment in restaurants should follow a two-step process:

  1. Cleaning: Remove dirt and food particles. Use a detergent like Clorox to wipe down surfaces thoroughly.
  2. Sanitizing: Apply a sanitizer to reduce the number of bacteria to safe levels. This step is crucial for areas that come into contact with food.

For both steps, it's important to use products at safe concentrations to avoid leaving harmful residues. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for dilution and application.

What constitutes a food grade cleaning product?

A food grade cleaning product is designed to be safe for use in areas where food is handled. These products must meet stringent regulatory approvals to ensure they do not contain harmful levels of trace chemicals. Consumer safety is paramount, so these cleaners often undergo rigorous testing to confirm they effectively reduce microbial activity without posing a risk to health.

Approval from relevant health and safety agencies, such as the FDA or EPA, is a key indicator of a product’s suitability for use in food environments. Always look for these certifications when selecting cleaning products for your restaurant to ensure compliance with safety standards and protection for both employees and customers.

By choosing the right products and following proper cleaning and sanitizing protocols, restaurants can maintain a safe and appealing environment for everyone.


In wrapping up our ultimate guide to restaurant cleaning products, it’s essential to revisit the cornerstones of what makes for a successful cleaning strategy in the food service industry: best practices, robust product offerings from Flipcost, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Best Practices

The foundation of effective cleaning in restaurants is grounded in best practices that ensure safety, efficiency, and compliance. This includes:

  • Regularly updating cleaning protocols to align with the latest health guidelines.
  • Training staff thoroughly on the correct use of cleaning products and equipment.
  • Implementing routine checks to ensure that cleaning procedures are followed meticulously.

These practices help in maintaining a consistently clean environment that upholds public health standards and customer satisfaction.

Flipcost Offerings

At Flipcost, we understand the unique challenges faced by the food service industry. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of cleaning products for restaurants designed to address every aspect of restaurant cleanliness from the dining area to the kitchen. Our products are carefully selected to ensure:

  • High Efficiency: Products that provide excellent results with minimal effort and time.
  • Safety: Formulations that are safe for use around food and minimize health risks to staff and customers.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Solutions that offer great value, reducing the overall cost of supplies.

Our goal is to be your go-to source for all your restaurant cleaning needs, helping you keep your environment pristine and your customers happy.

Continuous Improvement

The landscape of restaurant hygiene is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and changes in health regulations. Staying ahead means:

  • Continuously evaluating and updating our product offerings to include the latest innovations in cleaning technology.
  • Listening to feedback from our clients to improve our products and services.
  • Educating our customers on new and better ways to achieve and maintain high standards of cleanliness.

By embracing continuous improvement, we ensure that our clients are always equipped with the best tools and knowledge to meet the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

In conclusion, maintaining a clean restaurant is not just about making a good impression—it's about ensuring safety, promoting health, and enhancing customer experience. With Flipcost, you have a partner who understands the importance of cleanliness in the food service industry and supports you with products that help you meet and exceed regulatory expectations. Let’s continue to strive for a cleaner, safer dining environment together.