Keeping Restaurant Tables Clean: Best Products and Practices


When searching for restaurant table cleaning products, it’s essential to choose options that ensure cleanliness, leave a lasting impression, and enhance customer satisfaction. If you're in a hurry, the key products ideal for effective table cleaning typically include disinfectants registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), versatile detergents, and non-toxic sanitizers.

Clean tables are not just about aesthetics; they are a critical component in creating a sanitary dining environment. First impressions count, and the cleanliness of your tables can play a significant role in how customers perceive the quality of your restaurant. As customers have become more conscious of sanitation standards, especially post-COVID-19, ensuring that your tables are immaculately clean can directly impact customer satisfaction and their likelihood to return or recommend your establishment.

Keeping customer well-being and satisfaction at the forefront, using the appropriate cleaning products is not just a regulatory requirement but a vital part of your business’s reputation management. In the next sections, we’ll explore various types of cleaning agents as well as practices that uphold high standards of cleanliness effectively and efficiently.

Infographic detailing the types of cleaning agents ideal for restaurant tables, their usage guidelines, effectiveness on various types of germs, and their impact on customer satisfaction - restaurant table cleaning products infographic comparison-2-items-casual

Understanding Restaurant Table Cleaning Products

Cleanliness in a restaurant is paramount, not just for aesthetic appeal but for health and safety. To maintain a pristine environment, understanding the different types of cleaning agents—sanitizers, disinfectants, and detergents—is crucial. Each plays a unique role in the cleaning process, ensuring that your restaurant remains a safe place for customers and staff.

Types of Sanitizers

Sanitizers are essential for reducing bacteria on surfaces to safe levels. In restaurant settings, three primary types of sanitizers are commonly used:

  • Chlorine-based sanitizers are highly effective and affordable. They work quickly to kill bacteria and viruses but must be used at the correct concentrations to be safe and effective.
  • Quaternary Ammonium (Quats) sanitizers are less corrosive than chlorine and can remain effective longer on surfaces, making them suitable for food-contact surfaces.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide sanitizers are environmentally friendly and effective against a wide range of microorganisms. They are typically used in areas requiring a high level of disinfection without leaving toxic residues.

Types of Disinfectants

Disinfectants are stronger than sanitizers and are crucial for killing pathogens on surfaces. Common types include:

  • Bleach is a powerful and cost-effective disinfectant that kills most types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Alcohol-based disinfectants are effective against a wide range of microorganisms and evaporate quickly, leaving no residue.
  • Phenolic disinfectants are powerful against bacteria and viruses and are often used in hospitals but must be used with caution as they can be corrosive.

Types of Detergents

Detergents are used to remove dirt, grease, and organic matter. They are essential in the cleaning process as they help improve the effectiveness of disinfectants and sanitizers. Types of detergents include:

  • Degreasers are used to remove heavy greasy residues from kitchen surfaces and equipment.
  • All-purpose cleaners are versatile and can be used on a variety of surfaces, making them a staple in any cleaning arsenal.
  • Dishwashing detergents are formulated to cut through food residues and grease, ensuring dishes are not only clean but also sanitary.

Understanding these cleaning products and their appropriate uses helps maintain a hygienic dining environment, contributing to the overall health and safety of your restaurant. By selecting the right type of cleaner for each task, you can ensure effective cleaning that meets health standards and customer expectations. In the following sections, we'll delve into best practices for using these products to keep your restaurant tables pristine and safe.

Best Practices for Cleaning Restaurant Tables

Routine Cleaning Techniques

To maintain a pristine dining environment, routine cleaning of restaurant tables is essential. This involves several key steps:

  • Wiping: Immediately after guests leave, tables should be wiped down to remove food particles and spills. Using a clean cloth and a suitable restaurant table cleaning product ensures that surfaces are not just visibly clean but also hygienic.

  • Dusting: Regular dusting of table surfaces and edges helps maintain a neat appearance and prevents the buildup of allergens and dust mites.

  • Sanitizing: Apply an EPA-registered sanitizer, such as Steramine or Nu-Foamicide, which are proven effective against a wide range of pathogens. This step is crucial not only after every meal service but also at the start and end of each day to ensure a germ-free surface. For instance, Steramine is easy to use and gentle on surfaces, making it ideal for frequent application.

Deep Cleaning Schedules

Deep cleaning is more thorough and should be scheduled regularly to maintain high standards of hygiene:

  • Monthly: Conduct a detailed cleaning of all table surfaces, including the undersides and legs, which might be overlooked during routine cleaning.

  • Quarterly: Inspect and, if necessary, refinish tables to remove any stubborn stains or scratches that can harbor bacteria.

  • Bi-annually: Plan for a professional deep cleaning service to handle not only the tables but also chairs and other dining furniture.

Preventing Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination can easily occur in a busy restaurant setting but can be effectively prevented with careful practices:

  • Color-coded materials: Use color-coded cloths and sponges to clean different areas (e.g., blue for tables, red for counters) to prevent the spread of germs from one surface to another. This method was highlighted as effective in keeping different cleaning tasks separate and safe.

  • Employee training: Regularly train staff on the importance of hygiene, proper use of cleaning chemicals, and the risks of cross-contamination. Ensuring that every team member understands their role in maintaining cleanliness is crucial.

  • Proper storage: Cleaning tools should be stored properly to avoid contamination. For example, ensure cloths are kept dry and clean, and sanitizers are stored away from food items.

Implementing these best practices for cleaning restaurant tables not only ensures a visually appealing dining area but also enhances customer trust in the hygiene standards of your establishment. Moving forward, we will explore how to choose the right cleaning products that are safe, effective, and cost-efficient for your restaurant.

Top 5 Restaurant Table Cleaning Products

When it comes to keeping restaurant tables clean and safe for customers, selecting the right cleaning products is essential. Here are the top five products that are not only effective but are also trusted in the industry.


Steramine tablets are a top choice for sanitizing surfaces that come into contact with food. One tablet can make one gallon of effective sanitizer, making it a cost-effective option. It's versatile and can be applied using a cloth, sponge, or spray bottle. Notably, Steramine is non-corrosive and gentle on the skin, and it doesn’t leave a strong odor. This product is also long-lasting due to its tablet form and has proven efficacy against various viruses, making it a reliable choice for restaurant environments. More information on its usage and benefits can be found in the guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Known for its specific registration with the EPA to combat human coronaviruses, Nu-Foamicide is a concentrated sanitizer that dilutes to make 32 gallons of cleaner per gallon of concentrate. This product is widely used in various high-traffic areas such as restaurants, bars, and schools, indicating its reliability and effectiveness. The EPA registration is a testament to its ability to target specific pathogens, which is critical in today’s health-conscious environment.


Clorox is a well-known brand that offers powerful disinfecting capabilities. Its products are effective against a broad range of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, which is crucial for maintaining safe dining surfaces. The familiarity and trust in the Clorox brand make it a go-to option for many restaurant owners looking to ensure a clean environment. Its products are also usually easy to use and come with clear instructions to maximize effectiveness.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a versatile cleaner that is used not only for cleaning but also for disinfecting surfaces. It breaks down into water and oxygen, leaving no harmful residues, which makes it safe for use on food-contact surfaces. Its effectiveness in killing bacteria and viruses makes it an essential product for deep cleaning and routine sanitation in restaurants.

EPA-registered cleaners

Choosing EPA-registered cleaners ensures that the products have been evaluated and approved for their efficacy against specific bacteria and viruses. These products are crucial for restaurants because they provide reassurance that the cleaning agents used are both effective and compliant with health regulations. This category includes a variety of products, ensuring that restaurant owners can find specific solutions tailored to their needs.

By incorporating these top cleaning agents into your routine, you can ensure that your restaurant tables are not only visually clean but also hygienically safe. This supports a healthy dining environment and enhances customer trust in your establishment’s cleanliness standards. Next, we will delve into how to choose the right cleaning products that balance safety, effectiveness, and cost-efficiency for your specific restaurant needs.

How to Choose the Right Cleaning Products for Your Restaurant

Choosing the right cleaning products for your restaurant is crucial to maintain hygiene and customer satisfaction while managing costs effectively. Here’s how you can make informed decisions about the cleaning supplies you use in your establishment.

Evaluating Safety

Non-toxic and Food-safe: The safety of your guests and staff is paramount. Opt for products that are non-toxic and safe for food contact surfaces. This ensures that even accidental contact with food will not pose health risks.

Skin-friendly: Cleaning products should also be gentle on the skin, considering that your staff will be handling them frequently. Look for products that mention skin safety on their labels.

Assessing Effectiveness

Microbial Tests: Choose products that have been tested and proven to eliminate a broad spectrum of microbes. This information is usually available on the product label or the manufacturer's website.

Surface Compatibility: Ensure that the cleaning products you choose are suitable for the types of surfaces in your restaurant. Using the wrong type of cleaner can damage surfaces, leading to higher maintenance costs.

Concentration Levels: The concentration of active ingredients in a cleaner determines its effectiveness. Higher concentrations often offer more powerful cleaning but may require careful handling and dilution.

Considering Cost-Efficiency

Bulk Purchasing: Buying in bulk can significantly reduce the cost per unit of cleaning products. Consider your storage capabilities to maximize savings without wasting product.

Concentrated Formulas: Concentrated cleaning products provide more uses per gallon after dilution compared to ready-to-use formulas. They can be more cost-effective and reduce plastic waste.

Multi-use Capabilities: Opt for products that can be used for multiple cleaning tasks. This reduces the need to purchase different products for each cleaning requirement, simplifying your inventory and potentially lowering costs.

By focusing on these factors, restaurant owners can select cleaning products that are safe, effective, and economical. This careful selection supports a clean, welcoming environment that upholds health standards and impresses your guests. Next, we will explore the frequently asked questions about restaurant table cleaning to further enhance your knowledge and readiness.

Frequently Asked Questions about Restaurant Table Cleaning

What are food grade cleaning products?

Food grade cleaning products are specifically formulated to be safe to use on surfaces that come into contact with food. They must meet strict regulatory standards to ensure they do not leave harmful residues that could contaminate food. These products are approved by health and safety agencies and contain only substances that are safe in trace amounts. This makes them ideal for use in restaurant kitchens and dining areas where food safety is paramount.

What is the best cleaner for food surfaces?

When it comes to cleaning food surfaces, Hydrogen Peroxide stands out as a highly effective option. It's known for its ability to kill bacteria and viruses without leaving harmful residues. Hydrogen Peroxide is versatile and can be used on a wide range of surfaces, including countertops, cutting boards, and tables. Additionally, there are vegetable wash products available that are formulated to remove pesticides and bacteria from fresh produce, making them another excellent choice for cleaning food-related surfaces.

What do restaurants use to clean tables with?

In many restaurants, the go-to solution for table cleaning is a mixture of bleach water. This simple yet powerful cleaner is effective in killing germs and ensuring tables are sanitized for the next customer. However, it's important to use it correctly to avoid damaging surfaces or leaving residues. Some establishments opt for chlorinated detergents, which offer additional cleaning power and are specifically designed to meet the safety standards required in food service environments. These detergents are effective against a wide range of microbial contaminants and are safe when used as directed.

By using these recommended products and practices, restaurants can maintain a high standard of cleanliness and safety, ensuring a pleasant dining experience for all customers. Moving forward, we will delve into how to choose the right cleaning products for your restaurant to maintain these high standards.


Choosing the right cleaning products for your restaurant is not just a matter of preference—it's a crucial step in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for your customers. At Flipcost, we understand the significance of this decision, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of restaurant table cleaning products that meet the highest standards of effectiveness and safety.

Our selection includes top-tier sanitizers, disinfectants, and detergents, all curated to ensure that every surface, especially those in high-contact areas like tables, is pristine and germ-free. Each product in our collection is rigorously tested and proven to be effective, giving you peace of mind that you're providing a safe dining experience.

Maintaining high standards of hygiene is more important now than ever. With the ongoing concerns about health and safety, customers are placing a greater emphasis on cleanliness when choosing where to dine. By utilizing Flipcost's range of cleaning supplies, you are not only meeting but exceeding these expectations, ensuring that every guest leaves your restaurant impressed by the cleanliness and care you uphold.

The right cleaning supplies do more than just clean—they also contribute to the overall customer experience and can significantly impact your restaurant's reputation. Trust in Flipcost to help you keep your standards high and your tables impeccably clean.